Monday, April 20, 2009

Chip Wallis Clinic

Dakota's very first barrel clinic went fabulous! I was a little bit nervous beforehand as I wasn't sure if she was sore at all (didnt seem to me, but you never know).. The day was great! She trailered like a pro. Once we got there, she took everything in and was not once spooky or unsure. I took my time tacking her up, rode her around the place..watched Chip work with a younger girl..and then finally had time to work her in the arena, then it was our turn with Chip.

He was great about one on one time, and was very understanding after I told him about her injury. He watched her move first, and the way I sat her. Told me she looked great, which really eased my mind...he said she looked like she was moving even and striding up perfectly...which was awesome to hear someone else say that.

We worked the pattern for a bit, and he showed me some things to get more control over her shoulders.. Overall he said she was working a great pattern and had a really nice start on her, which made me so proud. I knew all along I shouldnt keep my hands so high when asking her to bring her shoulders up, but didnt know how to fix it. He showed me a way to keep my hands centered and over her withers that would let me have complete control over her shoulders. She really felt great underneath me, and was being a very good girl.

I had such a good time, I am so glad that I went instead of going to the NBHA. Just wish I could have gotten a video or pictures...but I was too shy to ask anyone to take any. But the plus side is that I got Chip's number and once I am out in Oklahoma, he said he would love to work with me and Kota, to give him a call if I ever need help. At the very end, he made a comment about Kota that really made my day. He was saying how he thinks she's a really nice mare, and the final thing that about brought tears to my eyes was that he said "in one year, you'll be winning on this mare"..I about broke down right then and there, to hear someone who knows what they are doing tell me that my horse just may make a barrel horse after all!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Arena Work

FINALLY! Had the chance to ride Dakota in some decent footing. Hauled to Sara's house on sunday, and it was absolutely beautiful out and Dakota was fabulous. I thought she may be a little jumpy, but she was calm as could be. Tacked up great, stood at the trailer awesome. I first started out riding in the o-ring, not knowing if she would respect it or not at a new place (out of her comfort zone), but she was an angel. She responded to the lightest touch, stopped on a dime, etc. I trotted and loped circles in the o-ring, and trotted the barrel pattern once or twice in it, then I switched to the Hackamore because she seems to be more responsive in it.

So, I worked her in the hackamore at a walk trot lope, then trotted the pattern a couple more times. She felt great. She was stopping on her hind end, and felt like she was collecting herself for the most part. I worked her more than she is used to, so I think she may have felt a little sore towards the end of our ride, but overall she felt and did great. Towards the end of our ride I put Sara's new triple creek on her to see how it rode, and man was it NICE and fit Dakota like a glove.. I wanted to steal it. My next saddle will be a triple creek for sure!

I think the one thing that needs work is her ability to work the barrels. She seems as though she gets caught up around them, I think that may have been due to the fact she was not used to working in actual footing.. So she was getting a little caught up in it. But for her first time seeing the pattern in months I think she did great.

Videos and pictures:

This first video is from towards the end of our ride, I wanted to get one of her just loping. This is where I think she may look a little sore going to the right, I am not positive though. But she felt great, and I think looks great also.

Trotting in Sara's new Triple Creek (hence no stirrups)

Trotting the Barrel Pattern: As you can see, she needs some work on working those barrels and not getting caught up

Just some pics:

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Reserved Clinic Spot

Well, Dakota and I will be headed to Chip Wallis' (out of OK) clinic April 18. I was debating it because there is an NBHA that day, but I figured whats the point of missing the clinic for a show that I will do an exhibition then sit around?? I am excited, and a little nervous about it. To have someone knowledgable watch me work the barrels on her.. But I hear great things about him, and I think he will give me some really good pointers to go off of. Not to mention, the price of the clinic is a steal!

I am going to haul to Sara's tomorrow to ride with her, and work Kota in her arena. Kota really, really needs that. She's been doing great working her at home..but she needs to start working in decent footing and learning what that feels like. Hopefully we will get some good barrel work done tomorrow, at the trot of course..and I hope to bring home videos of her progress.

She's been feeling really good underneath me. Sometimes a little stiff-necked, but for the most part she feels really soft and fluent. She's been worked to a sweat almost every ride...and I think she is slowing gaining her fitness back. Yesterday it was off and on downpours, so I hopped on her bareback and we had a nice relaxing ride. I am so excited, yet a little scared about working her on the pattern. It's almost coming to like a moment of truth if her stifle will be able to handle it. Hopefully I'll work her a bit this month on the pattern, then take her back to Dr. Riddle after she's been working the pattern for some time to see what he thinks. She seems and feels great to me, so hopefully that holds up.

I think I am also going to haul to Shartlesville April 26th, hopefully to exhibition and put some of the skills I pick up from the clinic to work!