Saturday, May 2, 2009

Slow Work at Home

Managed to get some decent videos the other day of Kota working the pattern at home. This was her first time working the pattern at home in I would say a little less than a year. She did great, and felt pretty good underneath me. Seems like she is learning to move her feet a little quicker around the barrels, and more collected. We incorporated some of the shoulder work that Chip Wallis had given me to work on around the barrels, and I think she was really picking it up!

I havent gotten to ride as much as I would like to these past few weeks..the last few weeks of the semester are always hectic with papers, finals, studying, etc. So I've only been able to get on 2-3 times per week if I am lucky.. Hopefully once the semester ends I'll be able to get Kota on a more continuous work schedule.. I've been wanting to get her out to an NBHA for quite some time now..but work never seems to cooperate and I am always on the schedule. But hopefully soon I'll be able to get her out..

I am hoping within a month we'll be able to move up to a lope!!
Take One

Taken Two

Take Three

Monday, April 20, 2009

Chip Wallis Clinic

Dakota's very first barrel clinic went fabulous! I was a little bit nervous beforehand as I wasn't sure if she was sore at all (didnt seem to me, but you never know).. The day was great! She trailered like a pro. Once we got there, she took everything in and was not once spooky or unsure. I took my time tacking her up, rode her around the place..watched Chip work with a younger girl..and then finally had time to work her in the arena, then it was our turn with Chip.

He was great about one on one time, and was very understanding after I told him about her injury. He watched her move first, and the way I sat her. Told me she looked great, which really eased my mind...he said she looked like she was moving even and striding up perfectly...which was awesome to hear someone else say that.

We worked the pattern for a bit, and he showed me some things to get more control over her shoulders.. Overall he said she was working a great pattern and had a really nice start on her, which made me so proud. I knew all along I shouldnt keep my hands so high when asking her to bring her shoulders up, but didnt know how to fix it. He showed me a way to keep my hands centered and over her withers that would let me have complete control over her shoulders. She really felt great underneath me, and was being a very good girl.

I had such a good time, I am so glad that I went instead of going to the NBHA. Just wish I could have gotten a video or pictures...but I was too shy to ask anyone to take any. But the plus side is that I got Chip's number and once I am out in Oklahoma, he said he would love to work with me and Kota, to give him a call if I ever need help. At the very end, he made a comment about Kota that really made my day. He was saying how he thinks she's a really nice mare, and the final thing that about brought tears to my eyes was that he said "in one year, you'll be winning on this mare"..I about broke down right then and there, to hear someone who knows what they are doing tell me that my horse just may make a barrel horse after all!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Arena Work

FINALLY! Had the chance to ride Dakota in some decent footing. Hauled to Sara's house on sunday, and it was absolutely beautiful out and Dakota was fabulous. I thought she may be a little jumpy, but she was calm as could be. Tacked up great, stood at the trailer awesome. I first started out riding in the o-ring, not knowing if she would respect it or not at a new place (out of her comfort zone), but she was an angel. She responded to the lightest touch, stopped on a dime, etc. I trotted and loped circles in the o-ring, and trotted the barrel pattern once or twice in it, then I switched to the Hackamore because she seems to be more responsive in it.

So, I worked her in the hackamore at a walk trot lope, then trotted the pattern a couple more times. She felt great. She was stopping on her hind end, and felt like she was collecting herself for the most part. I worked her more than she is used to, so I think she may have felt a little sore towards the end of our ride, but overall she felt and did great. Towards the end of our ride I put Sara's new triple creek on her to see how it rode, and man was it NICE and fit Dakota like a glove.. I wanted to steal it. My next saddle will be a triple creek for sure!

I think the one thing that needs work is her ability to work the barrels. She seems as though she gets caught up around them, I think that may have been due to the fact she was not used to working in actual footing.. So she was getting a little caught up in it. But for her first time seeing the pattern in months I think she did great.

Videos and pictures:

This first video is from towards the end of our ride, I wanted to get one of her just loping. This is where I think she may look a little sore going to the right, I am not positive though. But she felt great, and I think looks great also.

Trotting in Sara's new Triple Creek (hence no stirrups)

Trotting the Barrel Pattern: As you can see, she needs some work on working those barrels and not getting caught up

Just some pics:

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Reserved Clinic Spot

Well, Dakota and I will be headed to Chip Wallis' (out of OK) clinic April 18. I was debating it because there is an NBHA that day, but I figured whats the point of missing the clinic for a show that I will do an exhibition then sit around?? I am excited, and a little nervous about it. To have someone knowledgable watch me work the barrels on her.. But I hear great things about him, and I think he will give me some really good pointers to go off of. Not to mention, the price of the clinic is a steal!

I am going to haul to Sara's tomorrow to ride with her, and work Kota in her arena. Kota really, really needs that. She's been doing great working her at home..but she needs to start working in decent footing and learning what that feels like. Hopefully we will get some good barrel work done tomorrow, at the trot of course..and I hope to bring home videos of her progress.

She's been feeling really good underneath me. Sometimes a little stiff-necked, but for the most part she feels really soft and fluent. She's been worked to a sweat almost every ride...and I think she is slowing gaining her fitness back. Yesterday it was off and on downpours, so I hopped on her bareback and we had a nice relaxing ride. I am so excited, yet a little scared about working her on the pattern. It's almost coming to like a moment of truth if her stifle will be able to handle it. Hopefully I'll work her a bit this month on the pattern, then take her back to Dr. Riddle after she's been working the pattern for some time to see what he thinks. She seems and feels great to me, so hopefully that holds up.

I think I am also going to haul to Shartlesville April 26th, hopefully to exhibition and put some of the skills I pick up from the clinic to work!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Kota Update

It's been quite a while since I updated. I did not ride much the previous week as I was super busy (looking for, and purchasing my truck!) and the weather was crappy.. But this week I've gotten to ride a good amount. Lets see, I rode just about every day this week. Kota has been doing good. She really seems like she is full of energy, though. Probably that 12% feed she's on, we moved up from the 10% a few months ago.

She has her moments every now and then, I would say one almost every ride where we are doing consistent work, sometimes she gets a few bucks in there, which I think is coming from her energy and her being worked up about working (if that makes sense). Other times its just a little fit. But then once its over we get back to work and back to being focused. I think she's slowly getting out of the spooky stage that she suddenly had stumbled into, hopefully.

Natalie and I have decided that we want to work hard this year and be able to come back and run both of our horses at cowtown next summer. I really would be thrilled if I could have Kota loping a pattern come June, and possibly running by late summer.. That would be so nice! It's rough though with no arena to work in..

I really want to haul Dakota to an arena sometime in the coming week.. Either Sara's house, or an actual arena...but all I know is Dakota needs to work in, I need to see how my new truck tows.. =)

Oh, and got some pics today. It was nice and warm so Kota got a hose down after our ride.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Swimming is scary!

So, attempted to take Dakota to a farm over in burlington that has a swimming pool. She wanted no part of it! She was even apprehensive about the wash stalls, then when she saw Cisco being forced into the pool, she was like "Heck no!", I saw it in her eyes before we even tried getting her to go in. I wish it was a lower-tension environment. Instead of letting the horses get used to everything in there, it was like they wanted to force them into the pool. So we tried, and with Dakota's natural mare stubborn-ness, she didnt want to do it and I didnt want to hurt her stifle trying to get her in. So I let her stand and take everything in, and then Sara and I rode on the track.

Kota was a very good girl on the track! She felt great working in that deeper ground (I wasnt sure how she would handle that). We trotted quite a bit, and she felt and looked great.. I even let her slow lope a little, and she picked up her lead well, and was overall just feeling good.

Rode again tuesday, just regular reins still... Trotted and then loped some.. I really think she is coming along! Her movement felt great loping, especially to the left. Going to the right she was holding her head a little bit weird every now and then, which i do not know because that is usually her good side..But I figure we will try and work through that, and if not then we have some more work to do.

I've been thinking about getting her chiro'ed by the good chiropractor around here that the vets at my work use... Just maybe!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Back to Loping

Dakota's first time loping in months today (actually worked at it a little).. she did well. Not at all collected, but well. She did feel a little bit stiff in the neck, which kind of put me off a little.. But I would like to think its because she has had all of this time off and has not loped in a long long time. Once I did let her lope she was like "Ooooo this is fun! Let me goooo!" But I held her back, and I think this was contributing to a large part of the stiffness/uncollectedness.

I didnt want to start her out in the draw reins just because I dont think she can handle them at the lope just yet. So I think I will work her a few more days without them at the lope, and then once she is loping nicely again, put them back on to see how she works with them.

Overall a good first day back to loping.. I am hoping to get a video within the next few days! Hopefully...

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


We had a really nice ride yesterday (tuesday). Took it easy, had the draw reins on her, and we did alot of trot work for a while. She was really collecting nicely, and flexing nicely in circles and whatnot. I decided I would attempt to let her lope for the first time in MONTHS. She picked up the wrong lead going to the left, and didnt feel very collected, but she was a good girl. I could tell she was full of energy, but I just held her up and let her lope a couple of strides (one lengthway of the soccer field), and then went back to trotting that way. Did the same thing to the other side. I think for her first couple times loping back I want to have her in normal reins, as she was getting confused with loping with the draw reins (she's not quite there yet). So next ride I think I'll go back to normal reins, and start working her at a lope a little bit, just working her way up. Then once she's back to loping nicely, I'll put the draw reins on again.

Definitely wont get to ride today, as its my long day at school and then I have to go to work (blah)....But hopefully I can get on tomorrow, and it will be nice (hopefully).

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Is spring here?

It's been in the 60's-70's these past few days!! I got to ride both yesterday and today...after Kota got the week off due to inclement weather.

Yesterday we rode with Amanda and Eggo, Kota hasnt had anybody ride with us in ages! I think that got her a little confused, and she wasn't as focused as she normally is when she is alone. And boy has she been spooky. Amanda had set up new jumps in the woods, out of tires and christmas trees and such and Dakota thought they were going to eat her!! My little mare has never been spooky before, and all of the sudden its like everything is out to get her.

Even today, I went out alone, and took her over to the soccer fields by the fire house to work a little bit... She heard a dog barking and just about took off (something she has never tried before)....and then some brilliant genious of a man decides to come out and hit baseballs in the field, of course towards the general vicinity of where I am riding. I about told him to go find his own field, but realized that I should share. So I made her walk a circle, then took her out back towards the big fire house field and walked out there until baseball man was gone and then we went back to work. She still seemed like she was on the defense, but definitely much more focused and she work pretty good.

I need to start making her work a little harder. I've been just taking it easy with her, just simple trotting circles for a couple minutes each way, bending and flexing.. I think I can step it up now and start asking a little more of her and really get her into shape.. Blacksmith comes tomorrow, so hopefully I can hop on after school before he gets there and get a ride in.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Snow in March??

Well, just got a nice foot of snow dumped on us today!! Needless to say, I wont be riding for a little bit. Just as it was getting nice out too!! I cant complain though, I actually like snow and it gave me the day off from school, and since I have tuesdays off as well I have had a 4 day weekend. Just work tomorrow, woo hoo.

Depending on what the conditions are like, I may hop on to just walk around bareback tomorrow. That's if the snow stays "dry", and not packed together. Most likely will just give Kota a little break. I am hoping to start swimming her come my spring break, which is in two weeks. Then after that I would like to get her out to swim atleast once a week...that would be nice.

I wanted to edit to add on that we had a really nice ride on friday, the last time I rode. I left her bridle up in the house, so I threw the Jr. Cowhorse on her without any draw reins or anything. She really worked great, it seemed as though even without the draw reins she was staying collected and whatnot. Was proud of her!! Much better than the previous mare day we had on thursday..

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Mare Day

We had a nice mare day today. Dakota was being a doll while being saddled up, everything normal... Then I take her out of the pasture, hop on her, and while I am fixing my stirrups she dives for the grass (which she KNOWS is a big no no when we are about to ride)... So, I popped her enough to let her know, and I think that rubbed her the wrong way. For the rest of the ride she was Ms. Spooky, walking with her head a mile high, needing to look at everything. So needless to say she wasn't exactly focused. That in turn gave her a little attitude problem also I think.

Get her to the field by the fire house where I work her occasionally, put her to work a little.. Normally she has a very low headset, but today it was like she was on the defense, keeping her eyes wide open for something to jump out at her (and she is normally not spooky at all).. So we did nice big circles, just trotting. She threw in the occasional drift back towards the woods (the way home), overall just not paying attention. She can and knows how to stop on a dime, but it was like she was blowing me off a little today. She would stop, just not on a dime, it would take her a few steps.

So I decided it was OK to let her have a mare day, I made her work a little longer got her trotting semi-collected circles and called it quits, trail rode home a different way through the neighborhood.

I think I may have hurt her feelings when I got on her about the grass... Oh mares.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Two Days Off

Well, Dakota has had a nice two day break... It was super nice yesterday, a little chilly, but nice... Walk out to the barn, carry my saddle down, had my polos all wrapped back nicely and ready to be wrapped on Dakota...Walk out into the field to catch her, and low and behold her right eye was swollen. Take a closer look, she cut her lower lit ever so slightly, so her eyelids puffed up a little. Decided to give her the day off... We had a nice grooming session.. Shedding season is indeed upon us, I was covered in hair. Dakota got the special mane and feet treatment. I am happy to report that when I got home from work last night her eye was back to normal. Phew.

Really wanted to get home in time before dark to ride today as it was nice again...but darn lab ran late. Wednesdays are my long days at school, and of course they are always the nicest weather days for some reason. It's supposed to be even nicer tomorrow...hopefully all goes well and I can hop on.

Got some pics of the swollen eyeball...Naturally she liked to close her eye just as I was taking the picture...Silly mare

Monday, February 23, 2009

Draw Reins Day 2

Well, managed to ride today even though it was freezing AND windy! The windchill made it feel a lot colder than it actually was I think.. Brought out the draw reins again, although I didnt get as much accomplished as I had hoped. Aside from the fact Dakota all of the sudden thinks wind is something to get worked up over, she did well. She was spooking at every little plastic bag that flew by. When I say spooking, she never really spooks.. It's more of a look at it intensely, and then every now and then flinch. Thats the definition of a Dakota spook, but nevertheless, she becomes distracted. So we pranced around, with our head held high, and worked a little at the trot. She was actually very good considering the conditions, the wind was really whipping. She actually stayed more focused than I thought she would have, she trotted nice straight lines for me and was paying attention for the most part, stopping on a dime, etc. I was proud of her in that respect. But I think it was too chaotic with the wind to really get anything good accomplished, so we worked a little bit because I want to make her work in conditions that shes not necessarily comfortable in, so she becomes more sound-minded.. But I didnt want to push it so after 30 minutes of work, we went to the woods to trail ride a bit.

As of now, I dont care if its cold tomorrow.. I just want this wind to go away!! Hopefully I'll be able to ride tomorrow also..

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Draw Reins Day 1

Dakota officially liked the set of draw reins I made much much more than she likes the german martingale... She worked GREAT in them. I couldn't believe how quick she got it. Rode her yesterday (saturday) for the first time in them, and she acted like she knew all about them. I've never felt her so collected or trotting such nice circles. I was so proud of her!! We just worked on straight line trotting for a good portion of the workout, then did some smaller circles (about 50 foot circles). I didnt want to put too much strain on that stifle yet until its worked back up. It made me really happy, I cant wait to work her again!

After the work session, we took a ride around the neighborhood. Dakota didnt like the little boy that was zooming around on a go-cart.. He would crank the engine right as he sped by her..I didnt like him either.

Did not get to ride today as it was really rainy and crappy out.. Hopefully I'll be able to hop on tomorrow.. I am hoping it stays dry enough.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Video Session

Did not get to ride as much as I thought I would this got really cold again! Ended up riding Monday and Tuesday, and thats it. Actually had Kota trotting both days, she felt great. A little stiff necked, but overall it was a good two days. I actually brought my camera with me tuesday to the soccer field to see if I could place it somewhere where I could get some videos.. Ended up getting an OK video of Kota trotting circles. I edited it down so it wasnt 4 minutes of her trotting circles...

She did well that day. It was the second time I had the german martingale on her ever, and for the most part she responded well. Only a few times she acted confused, threw her nose a little..But after she realized what it was all about she seemed to do well with it. I am going to try some draw reins on her this coming week, finally made myself a set. She felt like she forgot how to back up....but she did have 6 months off..and she IS a baby still!

I really wanted to ride today, but it was so darn cold!! Plus the wind made it feel darn near freezing out... My fingers almost fell off while doing stalls. Maybe I'll be able to get on her tomorrow, hopefully it will be a little warmer.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

First time trotting

Had Kota trotting again for the first time today in months, she did great and felt great. I warmed her up for a good long time with just walking, as I was talking on the phone with Natalie. Mostly straight line stuff, not much flexing. She really surprised me with how collected she felt trotting. She held herself together great, and felt like she was really using her hind end. She also kept a straight line with ease, none of the drunk trotting (as I like to call it). I could stay one handed on her, and she would still continue straight. I did some large circles, and she felt like she may have been dropping in a little bit..but overall I was very pleased. I did not want to over do it, so we did a few minutes to each side, and I am going to work her up from that.

Bugged my mom to come out of the house after our workout so she could take a few pics!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Windy Day

Did not get to ride yesterday as I had hoped because we had 50 mph winds here... I about blew away just doing barn chores. A little less windy today, so I saddled up and headed out on the trails, was hoping I could do a little trot work today also. Got Kota all warmed up, we walked and walked all over the place, working on bending and flexing. Naturally everything was a little scarier when its windy out.. The kids out on recess at the elementary school, the flying trash bag in the wind.. But she gave all of that nothing but a double look. And then she saw it. The dreaded bleacher that was clearly out to get her, all because it was in a different spot than what she remembered.

Her first walk by it she about gave me a heart attack. Just about jumped out of her skin, and I wasnt prepared for it at all..I was lollygagging along singing to my Ipod. Made me chuckle after the fact, she's seen those bleachers many many times before.. Just not in that spot or position. So ever since the bleacher incident she was on her toes for the rest of the ride. I let her trot a little bit, but felt that it could wait for another day that wasnt so windy. Gives her less to think about, and more brains to focus on me.

We finished up the ride with a walk all over the neighborhood, she was a good girl. She really feels good underneath me, like she's using her body correctly and whatnot. I am hoping good weather is on the way, so we can really get to work soon! I'd love nothing more than to have her atleast loping a decent exhibition come late april when all of the NBHA's start back up...

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Getting Back in the Swing

I actually got to ride both today AND yesterday.. The weather has been exceptional. That's 3 days in a row!

Tuesday I got a real ride in... A nice long trail ride again, worked on some straight line/bending stuff at the soccer fields as it wasnt too muddy.. All at a walk still. Kota was a good girl. We ventured all through the woods, then all through the neighborhood on the blacktop. I am just trying to get her back into the swing of things easily. It amazes me at how sensitive she is to leg pressure after all of this time off...she really is paying attention to that. Had the o-ring on her today, and I really think she likes that bit better than the D-ring.

Today(wednesday) I never thought I'd be able to get home in time to get on her, and it killed me because it was a beautiful 60 degrees out today. But alas, my lab got done way early (4 PM), so I booked home in time to grab my bridle and hop on bareback for the remainder of daylight we had. As I was leisurely walking down the path, bareback on my 4 year old mare I realized what a good girl she actually is, and that I should never take that for granted. She has been sitting for the past 4 months atleast, and a ride here and there before that...and I completely trust her to just jump on her bareback after that much time off. Of course she was true to herself, did not bat an eye. Those kind of moments you just feel good on your horse. It's like you have an understanding that no one else can break. We only had time to walk around the neighborhood a bit...but nonetheless I got to get on my horse today. Boy does it feel good!

I'm hoping to make it 4 days in a row tomorrow...maybe add some trotting into the mix?? Although they may be calling for rain.. I hope this weather holds up, atleast until I have to go into work.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Back in the Saddle

I am happy to report I GOT TO RIDE MY HORSE TODAY!! For the first time in months... So I now am proclaiming that Dakota is officially back into work. The sun was shining, it was still a little muddy..but we just took a nice trail ride and worked on some flexing at the soccer fields. I could tell Kota was a little rusty as far as the flexing goes, but overall she did great. I was really suprised at how sensitive to my leg cues she was being, even after all that time off. I had the D-ring on her with split reins. I was so happy to be back on my horse after such a long time off.

I am hoping between school and work I can get on her atleast 3 times per week, hopefully more. The swimming pool that is closeby is heated and has "dry stalls", so I can start swimming her soon also. Cant wait to see how thats going to be with Ms. Mare who likes to step around puddles because she doesnt want her feet wet.

Cant wait until the mud dries up so I can add a little bit of trotting into the mix...

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Salon O' Tails Day was 50 degrees today!! So, all of that snow is melting which is a good thing...although it leaves our whole property a muddy mess. Had quite the itch to ride today, but I didnt want to risk Kota slipping in the mud.. So we had tail washing day!! Kota's tail likes to develop dread-lock type its always a good time getting those out.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Snow and more Snow

As soon as the snow started melting, it decided to go and dump another 5 inches on us!! So needless to say I have yet to swing a leg over my horse.. I will not risk her slipping and re-injuring herself, no thank-you. So Dakota's been lazy, as have I, just sitting out in the paddock munching on hay, getting the occasional groom, etc. Must be the life, huh?? I am really hoping the weather gets better soon.. I want to ride in the worst way! I've been debating finding an indoor somewhere to haul to...its just the finding one part that has been putting a damper on those plans. Hopefully soon! I'd also like it to get warmer out so I can take Dakota swimming...

Alas I am sitting here on a friday night with nothing to do... Thinking about heading to wal-mart to pick up some fabric to try and make a tail wrap for Dakota. I guess we'll have to wait and see how that turns out.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Off Goes the Shoes

Pulled all of Dakota's shoes today. It's just not worth the fight with her to get them nailed on, she absolutely hates the banging to drive the nails in..yet stands there like an angel for everything else. My blacksmith has never even clipped her either, so I dont know where it comes from. I'm thinking maybe the fact that I only started shoeing her when it is cold, and she is getting that "cold shock" when he drives the nails in?

Who knows, but I think I might try and keep her barefoot for a good long time, see how she does with that. Not only is it easier, but its also cheaper. If worse comes to worse I can always re-shoe her in the summer, but she always did well barefoot so I am hoping that she can hold up. She has tough feet, so I've been debating just leaving her barefoot forever, as my blacksmith is big into the natural balance trimming. We'll see, we'll see.

Hopefully I can ride soon! I think it will still be too muddy to ride tomorrow, the pasture is pretty much a river. But maybe thursday.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Kota's Pre-Comeback Photoshoot

It was actually nice out today! Maybe I will get to ride soon after all.. A brisk 45 degrees, but all of the ice that fills my pasture and paddock is now melting. Of course making the pasture a complete swamp, but I'll take that over the ice.
Kota got a good grooming session while switching blankets, and I took the opportunity to take some pics.
Thought it would be good to see some before and after shots down the road after she's back in full work.. What a hairy monster! I think it will be about shedding time soon though. Oh, I also started Dakota on MareMagic this morning, to see if that would make her less of a mare towards other horses. She has great ground manners and respect towards people, however, at shows...she becomes marey with new horses. She never strikes out or anything, but does alot of warning (pinning her ears, etc.) I'm hoping that once she gets out more and settles down at the shows that stops, but I figured trying something like MareMagic couldnt hurt. We'll see.

I am hoping to be able to ride by tuesday. Tomorrows pretty booked, I have class and then Dakota is getting her shoes pulled. If she isnt ouchy from that, then maybe I will actually get to hop on her a little tuesday before work. Hopefully!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snow Day

Naturally when I can start legging Dakota back up it snows!! And not the dry snow that you can still ride in...the slippery wet stuff! I almost busted my butt about 3 times today walking down the hill to the barn.

So, of course I had to do something with her. Treated her like we were starting brand new, did little things that I used to do with her as a late 2 year old. Brushed her up all nice, and worked on mounting bareback, with the focus on making her stand completely still. Of course she remembered all this stuff from before looking at me like "Mom do I really have to do this again?" while standing there like an angel falling asleep. So I kept mounting her from every which way.

It was like I went back in time, remembering all of this stuff I did with her when she was just a little baby when i first got her (OK, she was 2 so she wasnt so little, but still.)

I cant wait for the weather to be nice again! Bring on the spring.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Recheck #2

Dakota had her 3rd appointment with Dr. Riddle last wednesday, just as a re-check to see where we were as far as healing. Hauled there with Sara because she wanted to get Cisco's left front leg checked out (which ended up being a navicular diagnosis =( ). Cisco never rode on the second stall of a horse trailer (come to think of it, Kota never has either), so Dakota was unloaded then reloaded many times that day. She gave a little trouble, but always ended up getting on the trailer. I think she was getting a little rusty from not loading all winter... She was not a pro-loader by any means, but she did well.

Lets see as far as diagnosis... It was FREEZING that day, so Dr. Riddle just watched her move by me jogging her up and down the cement barn aisle. He said she seemed a little stiff in her left hock actually, and said that may be due to the uneven distribution from the right stifle injury. Either way, it all could be due to the fact she has not been worked in quite some time. He also re-ultrasounded her stifle to see how the meniscus was healing..and I am happy to report she is 85-90% healed!! So, once the weather starts getting better I am allowed to start legging her back up..all straight line stuff for now, but I can bring her back into barrels come spring. Once she's back into full work I have to take her back to see how she's handling it. Dr. Riddle says she may need maintenence, possible hock/stifle injections...I hope not ridiculous amounts, but we have to wait and see. Overall he seemed very optimistic and told me "Just keep doing what you're doing, she looks good."

Cannot tell you how much that made my week! Baby girl may be able to barrel race after all! Maybe we'll work on that loading for now while the weather gets better.

Monday, January 19, 2009

For Old Times Sake

Was going through a few old videos of kota on the pattern before the stifle diagnosis! Figured to keep track of it all I'd post them on here.

First Up: Dakotas first time on the pattern ever.

March 13, 2008
First Try

Second Try

Second Up: Dakotas first time loping the pattern.

June 17, 2008: Right Before her stifle diagnosis


First Time Loping

Second Time Loping

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Zap goes the fence

So we finally decided to put up an electric fence along the paddock, to keep our escape artists from getting out time after time. We left the rest of the fence in the pasture un-wired, so the only fence that's hot is the paddock around the barn. When they're out on pasture they usually stay pretty busy with the grass and dont bother trying to get out. I don't believe Dakota has ever had an experience with an electric fence...let me tell you she was very upset with me.

She was the first to test it out. Walked right up to this "new yellow stuff" along the top of the regular wooden fence.. .ZAP! I sorta felt bad for her--she isnt even the reason we need the darn electric fence! After a few laps around the paddock to shake off that zap, she stood in the center looking at me like "Why'd you do that to me???" I tried walking up to her to pet her and let her know its alright, darn horse didnt want me near her! Mind you this horse is usually friendly as can be, never have I seen her run from someone.

So I just gave her a few treats and figured I'd let her be and let her settle down and figure out what this new electric fence business is all about. Went back out to feed later and she was her normal self--guess she finally realized it wasnt me zapping her.

I was too chicken to test it out on myself--I'm wondering how much shock it actually gives off. I think its enough to keep them from chewing on/removing fence posts from now on. Hopefully.


Too darn cold to do anything with Dakota... way too cold! Felt like it didn't get much higher than 0 today. Ground is frozen...everything is frozen! On the plus side, Kota looks like she's moving around well despite this weather. She's all bundled up, that's for sure. I am debating whether to bring her back lunging a little, although I think that may be a bad idea. Too much stress on her stifle to do the circles at first. So, I think I'll stick to straight stuff for a while, and then hopefully once she's back in working order we can do some large circle stuff. I plan on swimming her as soon as it gets warm out, Sara (skippysmom) says theres a equine pool over in burlington county, NJ. I think that swimming would be really good for her muscles, especially rehabbing that stifle.

Hopefully it warms up so I can get on my horse sometime soon!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Dakota's Debut on Blogspot

I always start a blog about Dakota's training progress, get excited about it, and then somehow end up writing two blog entries, and stop. It's a new start to her training, so therefore, I figure we need a new blog to celebrate. This one will last.

Dakota, aka "TT Kitabars Kitten" is my 4 (coming 5) year old mare. I got her as a 2 year old in June of 06', and have had her ever since. She has a rather calm temperament, but can have her mare moments. I think I like that fire about her, sometimes.

Dakota will soon be coming off her long winter rest, hopefully completely recuperated from her stifle injury she was diagnosed with back in september-ish? Dr. Riddle in Port Deposit, MD who was recommended to me as "the leg guy" to go to, diagnosed her with a "compressed medial meniscus" english, a torn ligament in her stifle. He gave me a 50/50 chance that she will ever be able to run barrels, which after losing my barrel horse the year previous, absolutely crushed me. I followed his treatment plan to a T, other than his recommendations to ride her. I decided to give her a good period of time off, with hopes she would heal. After xrays and ultrasound, her stifle was injected once, and she was put on a treatment does of Adequan. The following checkup appointment, the Dr. was suprised at her progress and did not want to inject her again. Instead, she got a legend shot. Now she is on monthly Adequan, and I am hoping to start legging her back up soon.

This blog will track her progress from bringing her back, to hopefully running barrels!